
Eat possibly the best felafel 20 SP in the Middle East at Ali Babas near the Cairo Hotel. This small and simple restaurant is recommended by the guidebooks and consequently has a menu in english. There are numerous fast food and juice stands in the area around Ali Babas.

Al-Baroudi restaurant on Shoukri al-Quwatli is a good bet for barbequed chicken but be careful what you order. If you are not precise, they will bring a huge meal of half a chicken each plus three or four dips, bread, salad and a large plate of rice. While all the food is excellent, and perhaps just the ticket if you are starving, the cost was 225 SP per person in November 2007 and smaller meals are available for a proportionaly smaller cost.

If you would like a quiet place to sit and have a tea, walk along al-Buhturi street and there you will find a couple European-style cafes selling pastries, ice cream and a wide selection of bread as well as serving all kinds of hot and cold drinks. They are quite popular with women.

Camel steaks!!!

Around Sharia al-Quwatli are many bakeries selling the famous Halawaat Al-Jibni a refreshing sweet cheese treat. Give it a try if you haven't done so yet.